You need to know that astronomers have found many potentially habitable planets that are outside our solar system.
So when talking about whether there are other planets that humans can inhabit, the answer is yes. There is even a possibility that we can find alien life out there .
However, when it comes to whether humans can live and live outside Earth, the answer will be later. Of the many choices of habitable planets, how do you choose the best one to live in?
If you think that a planet most similar to Earth is the best option, according to researchers, there are much bigger and better planets out there.
The Presence of Super-Earth in the Galaxy
This planet is referred to by astronomers as Super-Earth or Super-Earth . Actually, in the Milky Way Galaxy, several Super-Earths have been found.
Even since 2009, the Space Telescope has found at least 4,000 exoplanets out there, about 30% of which are Super-Earths.
In addition, several percent of these Super-Earths orbit within the habitable zone of their parent star. Interesting right?
This habitable zone is known as the Goldilocks zone where the planet's surface has the right temperature for liquid water, neither too hot nor too cold.
It is possible that some of these Super-Earths are not rocky worlds like Earth. It could possibly be made of mostly hydrogen and helium gases similar to Jupiter and Saturn which would not be hospitable to life.
But in reality, astronomers are still gathering details as more and more data comes in. So in the meantime, we need to take a closer look at what life is like on the rocky and habitable Super-Earth.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in Super-Earth
Liquid water is just the beginning, a Super-Earth could be almost twice the diameter of Earth and up to 10 times larger.
According to the researchers it could actually make Super-Earth the perfect home. This is because the more massive planets have a stronger gravitational pull.
Super-Earth Kepler 20b, for example, is almost twice the size of Earth and 10 times more massive. The surface gravity is almost 3 times stronger.
Stronger gravity means the planet can hold more air molecules that make up a thicker atmosphere.
That is, it is great for protection against harmful space radiation. It also means that mountains and hills will be eroded more quickly to create a relatively flatter surface when compared to Earth.
If a flat surface sounds boring to you, scientists think this could actually give rise to dozens of lowlands on the planet.
In turn, Super-Earth could be the perfect place for life to form and thrive.
"Just as the biodiversity in Earth's oceans is richest in shallow waters near coastlines, such 'island worlds' may be very beneficial for life," explains the video in Business Insider .
There is only one problem, leaving this tropical paradise will be very difficult. The takeoff speed of Kepler 20b will be twice that of Earth.
This means the rockets will need more fuel to reach their destination. For example, a mission similar to the Apollo moon landings would require twice the amount of fuel or the rocket could only carry a small amount of payload.
For example, if SpaceX's Falcon Heavy can launch 50,000 kilograms of payload into Earth orbit. Meanwhile, in Super-Earth like Kepler 20b this rocket can only launch 40 kilograms into orbit.
That said, leaving Super-Earth would be a much bigger challenge. However, is the idea of leaving Earth for a new, better planet a solution to human problems?
Also read the articles about outer space or other interesting articles from mian irfan ullah shah .