Friday, 25 June 2021

Researchers Say It's Possible Aliens Have Been Observing Earth Thousands Of Years Ago

The vastness of this universe with all its possibilities, anything can happen. Including the existence of aliens , even scientists say it is almost impossible if the Earth itself has living things.

While humans on Earth are looking for other life in the vast expanse of space, it is also possible that aliens out there are also monitoring life on Earth.

In a recent scientific study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, astronomers have identified 1,715 star systems that may have discovered Earth's existence in the last 5,000 years.

Quoting from The Guardian, of the thousands of star systems, 46 of them have a fairly close position to our planet.

So that makes the planet that is in it may have received radio and television signals broadcast from Earth since 100 years ago.

Researchers say there are at least 29 planets that have the potential to be inhabited by aliens who have the ability to observe and receive signals from Earth. Interesting or scary?

How Researchers Search for Alien's Existence

Astronomers have been trying to find an exoplanet (a planet that has the potential for human habitation) by observing the 'transit' or process when an exoplanet passes through its star.

So that the star will appear to flicker when observed from Earth. So to find thousands of star systems, researchers from Cornell University and the American Museum of Natural History tried to reverse the concept.

They created an Earth Transit Zone (ETZ) by imagining Earth to be an exoplanet that passes through the Sun and can be seen blinking by aliens on their planet.

Lisa Kaltenegger, a professor of astronomy at Cornell University, said the research team managed to find thousands of these star systems using data collected by the European Space Agency's Gaia space probe.

In this way they were able to identify about 2,034 star systems 326 light-years away and possibly observe Earth's transits when it is in front of the sun from 5,000 years ago to 5,000 years in the future.

One of them is the star Ross 128 in the constellation Virgo which is 11 light years away. The star is close enough to receive signals from Earth and even has a planet twice as large as Earth .

If the planet has life with advanced technology, they may have been observing Earth's transit for more than 2,000 years.

Has Alien Life Been Found?

It should be underlined that this discovery does not mean that scientists have found alien life that has been watching Earth for a long time.

The report only provides a simulation, if there is life on other planets. Then they have advanced technology like Earth people have, there is a possibility that they found us first.

Well, if humans are still continuing exploration projects in search of other life in outer space.

One of them is the James Webb space telescope project, which will be launched later this year to look for signs of life on exoplanets through atmospheric analysis.

Also read  the other articles about outer space or other interesting articles from  irfan shah.

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